Personal loans are loans acquired to pay for personal items or to consolidate personal debts. People usually acquire this type of loan to fund things such as their home renovation, travel or to fund a wedding. Personal loans are usually paid back through installments plus any fees or interest rates over a period as specified in the term of the loans.
Secured Personal Loan vs Unsecured Personal Loan
Looking to Buy Your First Home
Secured personal loans are loans that require you to have assets used as collateral damage to ensure payment is made. This may include things such as residential property. Failure to pay the loan means the bank can sell that property to recoup the value of the loan.
Buying Your Investment Property?
Unsecured personal loans are loans that require no assets as collateral. These loans are a little more challenging to acquire, but Lend House works to assist our clients regardless of their financial situation or loan needs.
Our Lending Specialists are Experienced in Personal Loans and Can Tailor a Solution to Meet Your Financial Needs
Personal Loan Benefits Through Lend House
- Industry expert in finding the best financing solution suited to your objectives.
- Personalized service and handhold until approval and thereafter.
- Holistic and tailored financial service.
- Financing flexibility with our partnering lenders.
- Private lending services available.
Personal Loan Benefits Through Lend House
- Industry expert in finding the best financing solution suited to your objectives
- Personalized service and hand hold until approval and thereafter
- Holistic and tailored financial service
- Financing flexibility with our partnering lenders
- Private lending services available
Calculate Your Approximate Personal Loan Repayment
Ready to Apply
We have a no obligation assessment policy which means there is no obligation for you to use our services after the assessment process. So when you’re ready to take that next step in acquiring a personal loan, contact our team to find out your options!