You may be in a situation where you need to acquire additional equipment for your business operation but is not able to purchase it. This is where equipment leasing can be your solution. Equipment leasing is the process of renting equipment for the operation of your business rather than purchasing it.
The Right Equipment Leasing Solutions for Your Business
No matter what kind of business you operate, Lend House can advise you on the right equipment leasing solutions suited to your business. Our lending experts have been helping businesses with equipment financing solutions for over 25 years combined.
Equipment Leasing Processes
Equipment leasing allows you to rent the equipment for your business for a specific period of time. The rent is paid on a monthly basis for the duration of the lease and once the lease ends, you’ll have the option to extend the lease, end the lease term and return the equipment or you can request to purchase that equipment. This type of leasing enables you to get all the equipment upgrades you need without the financial burden of owning the equipment from the get go.
Equipment Leasing Benefits through Lend House
- Industry expert in finding the best equipment financing solution suited to your business objectives
- We provide personalised service and support all the way through the leasing process.
- Financing flexibility with our partnering banks

Equipment Leasing Benefits through Lend House
- Industry expert in finding the best equipment financing solution suited to your business objectives
- We provide personalised service and support all the way through the leasing process.
- Financing flexibility with our partnering banks
Calculate Your Approximate Equipment Financing Repayment
Ready to Apply
We have a no-obligation assessment policy which means there is no obligation for you to use our services after the assessment process. So when you’re ready to take that next step in your business venture and explore equipment leasing for your business, contact our team to find out your options!